
Hamburg Airport is the international airport of the city of Hamburg. It is the oldest and fifth largest airport in Germany. In 2019, 17.3 million passengers used Hamburg Airport to travel to locations all over the word. The busiest flight routes from Hamburg are the airports of Munich, Frankfurt and London.
- Valuable marketing: satisfied passengers become brand ambassadors!
- Automatic matching of lost and found reports
- Shortened storage time for Lost and Found items
- Simplification for employees
- Available 24/7 on all devices with internet access
Hamburg Airport optimizes its customer service with the digital Lost and Found platform Nova Find! Within just one week, the new lost property service solution went live in July 2021.
The Lost and Found solution Nova Find went live at Hamburg Airport within just one week! The employees at Hamburg Airport are happy because automated processes make life easier.
Increased efficiency & customer satisfaction
Nova Find offers considerable advantages for both passengers and Lost and Found staff. On the one hand, lost property reports can be submitted online independent of date and time; on the other hand, the high degree of automation relieves Lost and Found office staff and makes life easier.
„With the introduction of Nova Find, we have definitely exceeded our expected increase in efficiency“, says Helmut Meierdierks, Manager of the Hamburg Welcome Center.
Matching algorithm & automated customer communication
Based on existing Lost and Found reports, the Nova Find matching algorithm finds the best possible match. The return process can be started with a single click. Customer communication starts automatically afterward. The customer communication complies with the design specifications of the customer‘s preferred communication channel.
Perfectly mastered: challenging conditions during introduction
At Hamburg Airport, the Hamburg Welcome Center is in charge of the Lost and Found system. In addition to the core team, numerous employees showed interest in using Nova Find – a special challenge for a product launch in times of pandemic-related short-time work!
The Nova Find „Train the Trainer“-model led to success: The core team was introduced to administration and application levels during our online training. They later passed on their knowledge within their own organization.
Valuable marketing for Hamburg Airport
Nova Find significantly increases the return rate of lost items. In addition to the associated reduction in storage costs, there is another aspect that should not be underestimated: Nova Find writes a new success story with every returned item. Those stories are gladly retold by satisfied customers, which helps to strengthen the Hamburg Airport brand in the long term – passengers become brand ambassadors!
“Great solution, great support!“