RUBICON Acta Nova KI Input Manager

Digital input management: classify & assign requests faster with AI

The variety of communication channels is just one of the challenges for your input management? RUBICON provides an efficient AI solution.

Rubicon IT Produkt Trainings 2024

Well informed: Trainings 2024

The RUBICON product trainings convey the know-how required for a smooth operation of the software solutons in your company to users and administrators.

Rubicon Custom Solutions Softwareentwicklung aus Wien

Custom Solutions – Software Development in Vienna

DevOps, Scrum and Kanban: RUBICON Custom Solutions is the partner for agile software development with allround-service.

Transportmittel Lieferkette

New Supply Chain Act: Strict rules from 2023

Global supply chains are becoming longer and more complex. RUBICON informs about the new law and which companies it affects.

RUBICON Acta Nova ESG Beitragsbild

Using ESG to secure the future of companies

ESG is becoming increasingly important for companies. Find out what exactly it is all about and what benefits it can bring for your company.

SignPath CEO Stefan Wenig im Interview

Interview: SignPath CEO about code signing and cybersecurity

In an interview with Cybernews, Stefan Wenig talks about the dangers of cyber attacks and what companies can do to protect themselves against them.

Whistleblower Richtlinie Mann hält Vorhängeschloss

Amendment: Whistleblower Directive obligatory for companies!

Since December 2021, the Whistleblower Directive applies throughout Europe. RUBICON informs which companies are affected and what needs to be considered during the implementation.


Survey: ASP.NET Web Forms – still in use?

Are you interested in keeping your existing Web Forms applications on .NET Core? If so, please support us and take part in our short survey.

GEVER-Projektabschluss in Bern

Milestone: Swiss Federal Administration uses RUBICON Acta Nova nationwide

In October 2021, RUBICON celebrated a milestone together with the Swiss federal government and its partner Atos Switzerland: the nationwide use of the GEVER application Acta Nova.
