Learn more about the contents and requirements of our Document Partner trainings.

In this two-day training you will learn the basics and components of Document Partner. In addition to the structure of Document Partner and the functionality of its components, special emphasis is placed on the creation of document templates. These are created using several underlying XML schemas and personalized with dynamic data.

An essential aspect of template design is modularization in order to create cross-document synergies through reuse. The formulation of conditions, repetitions and the use of further design elements is just as much a part of this course as the administration and configuration of templates in the Repository Manager.

All training contents are taught on the basis of concrete practical examples.

Main topics

  • Document Partner structure and components
  • Repository-Manager
  • Basics of XML
  • Creating templates
    • Inserting data elements
    • Use of conditions, formatting functions, form fields and barcodes

Current dates

Vienna: 26.-27.11.2024

Requirements: Foundation Level: Template design

This one-day course builds on the Document Partner Foundation Level: Template Design course and deepens your knowledge of creating complex templates.

XPath, as the basis of the Document Partner controls IF, SELECT and CONTEXT, is explained in detail and practiced using numerous interactive examples. The training enables you to use the entire range of XPath functions to create sophisticated document templates.

Another important topic is the integration of documents in correspondence on the basis of conditions in order to reduce the maintenance effort of correspondence.

Main topics

  • XPath Grundlagen
  • XPath Elemente
    • Axles
    • Node sets
    • Wildcards
    • Operators
    • Funktions
  • Creating complex IF and SELECT conditions
  • Use and possible applications of the CONTEXT element

Current dates

Vienna: 05.11.2024

This one-day training enables Document Partner administrators and developers to create XML interfaces for Document Partners. The basics of XSD are explained in detail using numerous examples and applied in practice. Particular attention is paid to the requirements of template design and how schemata can be built in a clear, understandable and sustainable way. In the course of the training, an XML schema is developed for an example use case and tested for a concrete template creation.

In addition, the integration of Document Partner into an existing system landscape is dealt with and the call of possible Document Partner components such as online rendering, individual printing or mass printing is shown.

Main topics

  • XSD Basics
  • Namespaces
  • XML-schema-components
    • Attribute
    • Elemente
    • Complex Types
    • Simple Types
    • Annotations
    • Particles
  • Schema recommendations for Document Partners

Dates on request

If there is no suitable date for you, please contact sales@rubicon.eu